Client Background

ABC Manufacturing, a medium-sized manufacturing company, aimed to expand its market reach and acquire new clients in untapped regions.

What We Did

Our outsourced B2B sales team conducted market research to identify potential clients and developed a customized sales strategy for each target region. Through targeted outreach, relationship-building, and effective communication, we expanded ABC Manufacturing's presence in new markets.

The Outcome

- Geographic Expansion: ABC Manufacturing successfully entered three new markets within a year, establishing a foothold in previously unexplored territories.
- Client Acquisition: The outsourced B2B sales solution led to a 40% increase in new client acquisition, contributing to overall business growth.
- Time and Resource Efficiency: Outsourcing allowed ABC Manufacturing to focus on core competencies while we handled the intricacies of market expansion.

Project Information


The Sixmothers Group


Philadelphia, United States


February 14, 2021
